Wednesday, December 7, 2016

A bit about our competition.....

Hello fello marine enthusiasts!!!

I’m a HUGE fan of SeaDek so I normally let our product speak for itself and not bash the competition, but since many of you have asked about our competition...….I’ve included some facts about our quality vs theirs.    Also, I’m an engineer by degree, so I’m very proud of the fact that we have a relationship with NASA studying material quality standards.  We have available colors and textures that they have not copied as of yet.   We will always be ahead of them on the curve.  

Please learn more here:

As always.....thanks for your consideration.


Monday, December 5, 2016

Getting ready for upcoming Boat Shows

SeaDek not only has added to our income, but has allowed me to be creative....which is Very important to me. I've been busy making displays that will go into the Boat Shows in order to show off SeaDek potential and hopefully, inspire customers. Enjoy!  #SeaDek #customSeaDek#customSeaDekPNW #SeaDekPNW #sickSeaDek#contemporarymarineflooring #customlogo #compassrose #repost#Seattleboatshow #Spokaneboatshow