Friday, March 14, 2014

Another Doc Dot platform and a Brand New Option that you MUST see!

Hello and welcome back SPRING!

I'm in the process of building a platform for a gentleman from Indiana.   He made an awsome template and has added maybe the most options to the platform that I've even experienced!    He has two DocNSafes, two table receptors, four SS drink holders (he ordered beer holders   :)) and five Doc Dot solar LED lights!    Nice!     I'll be sure to add images once the platform is complete.

I had another new experience also last week.    A gentleman that was currently out of the country wanted to add a platform to his boat that was at a Marina on the east coast.   He could not make a proper template,  So he ordered a top mount overlay platform that simply had a 6" lip on the front so that it could be bolted down on the top of the existing platform.   Not the conventional way to approach a custom platform, but it worked and he is happy!

I was getting tons of requests for a platform that had a seat that would drop down in the water so that it could be used as either a ladder or a seat.    People liked the idea of being able to cool off in the water while watching the kids swim or enjoying a cocktail or ???   I had an idea of what I wanted to offer.    After several iterations, I came up with a powder coated aluminum seat that was strong and functional.   Then, after that proved itself worthy, I made one in a wider version so that someone special could join you for that cocktail.

Pricing for new stuff:   note……these will be offered in both black and white.

Safe Step Dive Seat / ladder-   $298.00
Safe Step Dive Seat / ladder in a pocket-   $498.00
* Safe Step Dive bench / ladder-   $398.00
* Safe Step Dive bench / ladder in a pocket-   $598.00

·        *   Image to come shortly.  

 People ask me all the time......."what sets your platforms apart from your competition"; or "why should I choose your company over your competitors"?   I think one reason is these new, innovative options that set us apart.   My competitors obviously agree as they keep trying to copy my ideas.

    I'm very excited as I think these new options will be as popular as the new LED products.   So if you want to stay cool this summer,  order your Safe Step Swim Platform with the new cool options now!   And visit the website:

Have a Great weekend, 
