Friday, March 30, 2012

Price increase

Hello peoples:   As you may have noticed, I announced a price increase at the end of March.    I waited as long as I could but the price of everything I use to make your platforms has gone up.   Some of it, like the stainless steel hardware and strut supports by as much as 40%!

It is what it is, but I want to make this offer.....if you have cared enough to get to this point of reading my blog, then I will honor the old pricing for you if you are going to order a Safe Step Swim Platform.   All you have to do is mention that you read this offer in the blog.   That is how much I appreciate you taking the time to get this far.

This year I am on track to double my sales again....which is incredible based on how fast the company has grown already.    My son-in-law Kale has got to be feeling good about joining the company at this point as we are working overtime just about every night just to keep up.   I am still feeling very blessed and grateful.

We have had some fun projects lately.   We're about ready to ship a very large platform to Alaska with a huge fish box underneath.   It will also have a foot railing and waist railing.   It was fun to build and the guys I'm working with have been terrific.

We also had a customer from Texas ship his existing "winged" platform to us so that we could basically rebuild it......extending it from 2' to 3'.   We rocked it of course and Cory was extremely happy with the end product.   It was so fun working on a non-typical project.

It's time for me to get to bed.    I have to get up early tomorrow (Saturday) so that I can try to catch up on the work in the shop and meet a couple of customers that are picking up their platforms.   I just wanted to write something brief about the price increase because it was not an easy decision and I wanted to explain so that you would understand why.....

So if you are thinking about me soon.    If you are still debating.....have a Great boating season and we'll talk soon enough.   To get even more confidence with your decision, visit the customer comments page on the website:

