Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Yule and Happy Birthday to me!

I mentioned that I was welcoming my son-in-law to CF.    I will be groooming him to eventually take over the business.    I want this year to be HUGE.    I really want him to understand the relationship between how much hard work translates into positive results.  

In order to jump start this HUGE year....I am offering the following-   mention this blog when you place an order for a Safe Step Custom Extended swim platform and I'll give you 15% off of the basic platform price.   I would like to see our volume double again this year.   It won't be easy, but I think it would give Kale a real taste for how successful he can be in this business.   Kale's wife, my daughter Alee, will be working on keeping the website:  updated.   Thanks Alee!

And if you are in the neighborhood, stop by and meet Kale and say hi.    He will bring a lot of energy, enthusiasm and creativeness to our work.

Happy holidays to all of my customers.    Cheers, Scott

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

2011 comes to an end and I welcome a new member to our team!

Here comes Christmas!    Time goes so fast.    I now have two grandchildren and I've been with Jeanne five years now.    WOW Jeanne is my lovely wife if you did not know.

I did a "fifty at fifty" list last year.    Sort of a bucket list, except it has nothing to do with dying.    Just a list of 50 things I wanted to accomplish between the ages of 49 and 51.    If you get the one.    It was a kick in the ***.   I'm already thinking about my 60 at 60 list!
Luckily, most everything is good.   I also believe that the harder I work, the luckier I get.   In other words, I think that most things that are happening to me are good because I work hard to make it so.

I try to keep that in mind when my customers approach me for a product or service for their boat.   I seriously want to work very hard to give the customer what they are looking for....not what I need, but what They are looking for.   They have worked hard to make the money that is needed to pay for the service that I provide.   So I respect that hard work with a product that makes the customer feel that they made a good decision.

Right now I'm enjoying the holidays.    Before I know it, it will be time for the Boat show.....shortly followed by another busy spring.    I would not have it any other way.    The only thing different this year, is I'll have my son-in-law working with me.    He has decided that he wants to learn the business and eventually take it over.    Again, I'm grateful as I think this will be a great additional and great energy !    Welcome Kale!

To view more pictures of what we are capable of, visit the photo galleries on the website:!  

Cheers all......and see you soon.   Have a great holiday season......