I'm sorry it's been so long since my last update. I've never been this busy, let alone this busy this early! I'm not complaining mind you. It's a blessing and a curse so to speak. My friends, family and customers are having a hard time getting a hold of me. I am working hard and I answer messages when I can. If you are one of the people haveing a hard time getting a hold of me, I apologize. Please be paitient as I PROMISE I will get back to you.
Interesting experience two weeks ago. A potential customer of mine ended up buying a platform from my largest competitor. He evidently did not realize that I could have made the same platform for less $. Regardless, he called and asked if I would install it for him. I agreed. Once he got to my shop and saw the platforms that were in progress... he apologized and said "If I would have known that you could do all of this, I would have bought my platform from YOU". Long story short.... I mounted his new platform and he was satisfied. I never talk badly about my competition. I will tell you that when I compared their product to mine... I've never been as PROUD of my platforms!
I had a great experience with some customers from Montana recently. They were good communicators, high energy, positive people. I made a great looking platform for them and as they saw the pictures of the platform in progress, they did not even wait until it had been delivered to boast about me on their Chapparal club blog site. These kinds of experiences really make all of the hard work worth the while. You can see their platform and comments in my "customer comments" section. And if you are in Montana and see them on the water.... say HI to Mike and Vicki for me!
Finally, for those of you that are following the blog.... Kingsley, my grandson, came to visit us yesterday and is doing well. He and my daughter are a joy to be around. I'm very proud of her and I love to make Kingsley laugh. He's funny.
Have a great day and a Great boating season.
Cheers, Scott