My answer to the question posted...."why buy a Safe Step swim platform?"- Options.
First of all, let me explain the difference between a Safe Step swim platform and my competitors' swim platforms.
Their platforms are made from a mold. 100% fiberglass. This means that they may or may not have a mold for your year, make and model boat. If they do happen to have a mold, you get what you get. There are no variations to the size, shape, style or location relative to your transom.
Fiberglass molds are very expensive to produce. I would estimate that my competitors must sell 4 to 5 platforms from a mold just to break even with the cost of producing that mold.
My platforms are built one at a time per each customer's specs. They are fabricated from a product called fiberglass reinforced plywood (FRP). It is a manufactured product created
originally for truck trailer panels. I originally used it to do dry rot repair on boats so that I could offer 100% lifetime warranty on those repairs. All I had to do was to seal the bare wood edges and I could feel confident that no moisture could then attack the wood core.
Using FRP allowed me to build my first swim platform over ten years ago. The beauty of this method allows me to build your platform into any size, shape, style, and color and, therefore, price that you desire. The platforms are built just as your boat hull is -- wood core, fiberglass and
gel coat overlay. The result is that they weigh about half as much as a 100% fiberglass deck. My engineering background combined with the
FRP's strength, allow me to design your platform to hold about 125 pounds per square foot. Trust me, put all the adults you want on one of my grids and it will still feel strong and stable.
Sure my labor costs are higher since each platform is fabricated custom, but the raw materials cost is relatively low. This allows me to be very competitive costwise. Apples to apples, I believe I can beat my competitor's price. In addition, you can put your platform pretty much anywhere you want relative to the transom, and you can locate your ladder anywhere you want on the platform...... You get where I'm coming from.
Let's talk about options. I have the best job in the world. OK, Jimmy Buffet has the best job in the world, but I'm close. I have this need to be creative and even artistic. Plus, I like to get mechanical, occasionally. And I like to use my engineering background just to feel intellectual once in a while. So when people ask "can I have a removable outboard motor mount?" I get excited. Actually, this is a real life example and you can view my creation on my website: Can you get this from my competition? Forget about it.
So how do I come up with the ideas I have for new and cool options? I just listen to my fellow boaters. So many folks have asked me to design a "beach to boat" ramp. My wife and I were at a motorcycle show and saw an aluminum fold-up ramp for use in loading motorcycles into the back of pickups. Voila! I incorporated one of the ramps into my setup, tested it for a summer to ensure it would work in all kinds of conditions and recently added it to my available options. Try it out. It works great. Some of the options, like LED lighting, are simply
bling. Some people hate it and some people love it. Your option!
Write to me and let me know what you think and if you have any questions. Let's hope this winter goes fast and we can get back on the water. Cheers.